Saturday afternoon in Saint Petersburg.

I’m walking along Gorokhovaya Street.


Idea comes to mind: “Learn Russian through Shop Signs!”

I don’t have a clue how to say “shop sign” in Russian!

I ask some random guys on the street.

It’s called Вывеска!


Learn Russian through Shop Signs – The Video

Learn Russian through Shop Signs – The Transcript

Hello guys. Hello to everyone.

I was walking on this street which is a very busy street in Saint Petersburg.

It’s called Sadovaya. No, this is Gorokhovaya.

And I had this idea to make a video regarding shop signs.

So, it’s all about shop signs today.

The only thing… I know it is ridiculous but

I don’t know how to say “shop signs” in Russian.

So, I’m going to find someone right now and ask them.

Извините, ребята, можно у вас спросить, кстати?
Sorry, guys, can I ask you something?

Можно ли снимать? У меня есть канал на YouTube.
Can I shoot a video? I have a channel on YouTube.

Нормально, да? Ничего страшного?
Is it OK? Nothing wrong, right?

Very well.

Скажите мне, пожалуйста, как называется вот это?
Tell me, please, how it is called?

Shop sign, да, по-английски.
Shop sign, right, in English.

Ну, у всех магазинов есть такие.
All shops have them.

Grocery store?

Ну да, это продукты, именно.
Yes, it’s a grocery store.

Но вообще, как это по-русски?
But how it is called in Russian?
Как расшифровывается? – not sure about this… Can you listen again?
You mean to decipher it?

По-английски это sign, да?
It’s sign in English, right?

Например, вот. Ну смотрите: это “Продукты”, да?
For example, here. Look, it is “Grocery Store”, right?

А там – “Русские часы”, там – “Рив Гош”, да?
And there is “Russian watches” there and “Rive Gauche” over there, right?

Там – не знаю, что.
And there is something else over there.

А, название?
Ah, the names?

Название, да.
Yes, the names.

Но как по-другому можно это сказать?
But how can I say it in a different way?

A shop sign.


A shop sign.

Еще раз.
One more time.

A shop sign.

Вывеска, да?
A shop sign, right?

Снимаю видео о том,
I’m making a video about

как можно выучить быстро русский язык.
how to learn Russian fast.

Надо пить много водки и есть селедку,
You should drink lots of vodka and eat pickled herring

и тогда русский язык вы выучите очень быстро.
And then you will learn Russian really fast.

Спасибо, ребята, спасибо большое.
Thank you, guys. Thank you very much.

Пока! Всего доброго. Спасибо.
Bye! Have a nice day. Thank you.

OK, so, it was easy.
Вывески. Вот так называется – вывески.
Shop signs. That’s how it’s called – shop signs.


Let’s carry on and find some interesting signs.

OK, this is interesting.

“Мохнатый краб”

Да, это краб.
Yes, “краб” means a crab.

Но “мохнатый” – вообще не знаю, что это такое.
But I don’t know what “мохнатый” means.

Извините, можно вас спросить?
Excuse me, can I ask you something?

Что это значит на русском языке “мохнатый краб”.
What does “мохнатый краб” mean in Russian.

Я знаю, что краб – это крабчик, да?
I know that “краб” is a crab, right?



Волосатый, много волос – мохнатый.
Hairy, with lots of hair.

А, понятно. Мохнатый – много волос, да?
I got it. “Мохнатый”, that is with lots of hair.

Мохнатый краб. Спасибо большое, спасибо. До свидания.
A hairy crab. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

До свидания.

Интересно. Очень интересно. Что еще?
That’s interesting. Very interesting. What else?

“Скоро открытие”.

Opening soon.

Открытие. That’s a noun. Открытие.

Скоро открытие.
Opening soon.

Идем дальше. Что еще?
Let’s carry on. What else?

Ага! Вот это интересно!
Here! That’s an interesting one!

“Ресторан” – “ресторанчик”.

“Ресторанчик” means a little restaurant, cute.

Little restaurant.

What’s this?

“Агентство недвижимости”.

OK, it’s an agency. It’s a real estate agency.

Агентство – agency. OK, that’s easy.

We have the verb, for example, двигаться – to move.

“Движение”, например, “движение”.
“Движение”, for example, “движение”.

“Движение” – “movement”. OK?

And that “не” in the beginning makes the opposite.

Something that doesn’t move.

So, houses. Houses don’t move.

So, “Агентство недвижимости”.

That’s a real estate agency.

OK, so, that’s a noun which ends with “ь” – soft sign.

“Недвижимость”. OK?

That’s a Genitive Case. “Агентство недвижимости”.

Like what else? Like…

Скорость – скоростИ (Недвижимость – недвижимостИ )

Genitive Case. “Агентство недвижимости”.

OK, I didn’t get my gloves with me today and I’m gonna…

My hands are freezing.


“Женская одежда”.
“Women clothes”.

Have a look.

“Женская одежда”.
“Women clothes”.

“Clothes” – “одежда”.

“Женская” – “for girls”.

Что это такое?
What’s this?

“Товары для дома и дачи”.

So, what is “дача”?

“Дача” is a house in the countryside.

So, “Products for the house

and the house in the countryside”.

The house in the countryside.

So, we have two Genitive Cases here.

“Для” is a preposition that takes Genitive Case.

So, “для дома”.
“Дом” becomes “дома” – Genitive Case.

And “Дача” becomes “дачи”. OK? Genitive Case.

I’ll give you another example.

We have the word “сдача”.

“Сдача” – “сдачи”.

That’s the change. When you go to the shop

and you get something, they give the change back.

That’s “сдача”. OK? Similar to “дача”.

You can make this association in your head.

OK. This is something that you definitely need

in Saint Petersburg because it’s cold.

So, “обувь”. That’s “boots”.

Hi guys! Hi!

Привет, привет!
Hi! Hi!

So, that is boots – “обувь”.

Sometimes, you know, it’s tricky

to determine if a noun that ends in

мягкий знак…
a soft sign…

This one here. That’s a soft sign.

So, it’s sometimes tricky to determine
if it is a masculine or a feminine noun.

I’m sorry.

So, a good tip is to have a look at the adjective

that accompanies that noun.

For example, here we have “женская”.

That’s clearly a feminine adjective.

So, the noun “обувь” must be also feminine.

“Женская обувь”.
“Women boots”.

I don’t know if you can see this.

It says “Мир цветов”.

“Мир цветов”
“The World of the Flowers”.

And of course here they sell flowers.

There you go. They sell flowers.

Buy flowers for your girlfriend.

“Мир цветов”
“The World of the Flowers”.

“Цветы” – “цветов”.

OK? Genitive plural. “Цветы” – “цветов”.

Вот. Хорошо.
So. OK.

Аптека? Что это? Магазин.
Pharmacy? What’s this? A shop.

“Ежедневно” – “every day”. They work every day.

“Every day”.

“Часы работы” – “working hours”.

“Часы работы”.
“Working hours”.

“Работа” – “работы” (Genitive Case).

“Working hours”.

And this is another beautiful bridge in Saint Petersburg.

Have a look at this. Beauty!

OK, that’s an interesting one, guys.
“Счастливые часы”.
“Happy hours”.

This is the famous Happy hour in England.

“Счастливые часы”.
“Happy hours”.

OK, right. What is the offer?

You get two pizzas for the price of one.

Две пиццы по цене одной.
Two pizzas for the price of one.

“Счастливые часы”.
“Happy hours”.

“Happy hour”.

They do have Happy hour here as well.

Right, let’s carry on.

OK, and this is my favourite place.

“Пирожковая” where you can get “пироги” (пирожки – little ones).

Вкусные пироги.
Tasty pies.

Очень вкусно.
Very tasty.

Right, you can see another one here.

“Агентство недвижимости”.
“Real estate agency”.

Квартиры, аренда, покупка,
Flats, rent, buy,

продажа квартир и магазинов.
and sell flats and shops.

Покупка, да? Я покупаю для себя?
To buy, right? Do I buy for myself?

Да, а продажа – это наоборот, вы отдаете квартиру..
Yes, and to sell means you give your flat away.

Хорошо, хорошо.

“Покупка” – I buy for myself.


“Продажа”- I sell. I sell the flat.

Квартира – квартиры. Plural.

Genitive plural – “квартир”.

“Магазин” – “магазины”.
“Shop” – “shops”.

“Магазинов” – Genitive plural.

What is this?

Ice cream.
Not for now because it’s cold.

Right. What’s this?

“Эклер кондитерская”.

The sweet shop.

Как называется это по-русски?
How do you call it in Russian?

Sweet shop.

Спасибо большое! Спасибо!
Thank you very much! Thank you!

That’s an interesting one.

“Семья”. “Семья”. (Семья = семь + Я = 7я)
“Family”. “Family”.

Холодно сегодня, да?
It’s cold today, isn’t it?


Какая температура, кстати?
What is the temperature today, by the way?

Вы не знаете, какая температура сегодня?
Do you know what’s the temperature today?

Минус пять, по-моему.
It’s minus five, I think.

Минус пять, да?
Minus five, right?

А что завтра? Потеплеет?
And what about tomorrow? Is it going to get warmer?

Нет, целую неделю будет минус.
No, it’s going to be below zero for the whole week.


Хотя вчера еще был плюс.
Though, it was above zero yesterday.


Хорошего дня.
Have a nice day.

Вам тоже.
You too.

OK, guys, you know this one, it’s an easy one.


Pharmacy, pharmacy.

OK, what’s this?


What’s the verb?

To have breakfast.

To have breakfast.

“Завтраки каждый день”.
“Breakfasts every day”.

“Каждый день”.
“Every day”.

“День” is a masculine noun.

Что это такое?
What’s this?

“Водка и пиво”.
“Vodka and Beer”.

If you wanna get drunk you’ll come here.

“Водка и пиво”.
“Vodka and Beer”.

OK, that’s another very interesting sign.
It is an adjective but they use it as a noun.


It’s the same as “Кондитерская”.


It’s a place where you can have your hair cut.

Another popular one is

“Салон красоты”.
“Beauty salon”.

It’s where the girls go to become beautiful.

Let’s have a look at this one. It says


“Сумка” is a handbag.

“Сумки” – plural. Handbags.

Сумка – сумки.
Handbag – handbags.

Сумка – сумки.
Handbag – handbags.

What is this?

What is this?

“A present”.

That’s the handwritten form of the word.

“A present”.

What’s the plural?


There you go. This is the plural.
Подарки, да?
Presents, right?

“Подарок” – “подарки”.
“Present” – “presents”.


“Подарок” – “подарки”.
“Present” – “presents”.

“Золото и серебро”.
“Gold and silver”.

Золото. Что такое золото?
Gold. What is gold?


So, the first “O”, because it’s stressed,

is pronounced as [O].

But the other two, because they are not stressed,

they are pronounced as [A].


Что значит “скупка”?
What does “скупка” mean?

“Скупка”? Покупают.
“Скупка”? They buy.

Как “покупка”, да?
Like “покупка”, right?

Ну да.

А, понятно. Спасибо большое.
I got it. Thanks a lot.
