Arsenalnaya (Арсенальная) is a station on Kiev’s metro Red Line (Красная ветка).

I had been told a few times that it was the deepest metro station in Europe. Today, while I was getting off at Arsenalnaya, I decided to ask a bunch of young students about the depth of the station.

They were not sure, they started guessing. One of them suggested to google it right there! So we did!

It’s surprising that there is Internet signal in the deepest station of the world!

And the we found that Arsenalnaya is 105m deep! Wikipedia says it’s the deepest station in the world!


Note: Everyone, even native speakers make mistakes. In the dialogue you may have noticed that the first guy says трех ста which is not very correct; The Genitive Case of триста (300) is трехсот. The other guy later on will say it correctly.


Ребята, можно вас спросить? – Guys, can ask you?

Это, арсенальная, да? – This is Arsenalnaya station, yea?

Это самая глубокая станция в мире, в Европе, да? – This is the deepest station in the world, in Europe, yea?

А, сколько метров? – How many metres?

Где-то 200. – Around 200m.


Около 300 метров. – Around 300m.

Хорошо. Ну, я проверю потом, да? – OK, I will check it out later.

А тут есть WiFi, можем сейчас проверить. – There is WiFi here, we can check now.

Давай, сейчас! – OK, let’s do it now!

Сейчас проверим! – Let’s check now!

200, а ты 300. – 200m and you say 300m.

До 300 (трехсот) – Up to 300.

Ну, посмотрим, посмотрим. – Well, we’ll see, we’ll see.

Сколько метров? – How many metres?


Я думаю больше. – I think more.

Кто выиграл?- Who is the winner?

Сейчас, сейчас. – Now, we’ll see…

Так, так, так… – Well, well, well…

105 метров!

Ну, все равно глубокая, да? – Well, in any case it’s a deep station, isn’t it?

Да, очень. – Yes, very much.

Хорошо, спасибо ребята! Хорошего дня! – Nice, thank you guys! Have a good day!

Ну, конечно, самая глубокая станция в Европе. 105 метров. – Well, yes, the deepest station in Europe (in the world too according to Wikipedia!!)

Нет, это не всё. Есть еще. – No, that’s not all. There is more.

(Man speaking:) Всё в порядке. Так что… – Everything is in order. So, …
